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Peer-reviewed journals

  • In preparation

Super-fast bullet bubbles in microcapillaries
Cappello J., Rivero-Rodriguez J. & Scheid B.

Interaction between a wire and a fluid jet
Dorbolo S., Darbois-Texier B., Rivero-Rodriguez J. & Scheid B.

  • 2024

Modelling subretinal delivery and its flow characteristics – implications in clinical practice
Ladha R., Merveille B., Wyns R., Scheid B., Willermain F. & de Smet M.

Hydrogen bubble generation, induced flow and coalescence around model wire electrodes.
Van De Velde P., Scheid B., Proost J. & Haut B.

Multilayer droplets: how to create multilayer antibubbles
André C., Amerein C., Miguet J., Scheid B. & Dorbolo S.

Experimental investigation of exit dynamics of a circular cylinder from the water and from silicone oil
Ashraf I., Vincent L., Falla R., Terrapon V., Scheid B. & Dorbolo S.

Drop-off Characteristics of Film Flow on Inclined Fibers
Pour Karimi A., Hormann B., Askarizadeh H., Rohlfs W., Scheid B. & Kneer R.

Cylinder exit dynamics: wake and finite size effects
Vincent L., Ashraf I., Rivero-Rodriguez J., Falla R., Dorbolo S., Terrapon V. & Scheid B.

Pareto front of the magnetic wiping process in dip-coating conditions
Pino F., Scheid B. & Mendez M.

Hummingbird-inspired hierarchical capillary rise for efficient passive liquid capture
Cappello J., Scheid B., Brau F. & Siefert E.

Reversal of vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation by stimulation of flow-mediated vessel fusion
Martin-Valiente E., Du Y., Goemans C., Zindy E., Scheid B., Vikkula M., Lubicz B., Vanhollebeke B. & Baeyens N.

Controlling the satellite size in stretching symmetric ligaments
Wei X., Lin F., Yao J., Zhang Q., Rivero-Rodriguez J., Wang D., Zou J. & Scheid B.

Absolute and convective instabilities in a liquid film over a substrate moving against gravity
Pino F., Mendez M. & Scheid B.
In revision to Physical Review Fluids

Linear stability analysis of a vertical liquid film over a moving substrate
Pino F., Mendez M. & Scheid B.
In revision to Journal of Fluid Mechanics

Antibubble column: A mean to measure and enhance liquid–gas mass transfer through surfactant-laden interfaces
Miguet J., Dorbolo S. & Scheid B.
Chemical Engineering Journal 498, 153276

Controlling the size and elastic modulus of in-aqueous alginate micro-beads
Cappello J., Miguet J., Dewandre A., Ergot L., Gabriele S., Septavaux J. & Scheid B.
Soft Matter 20, 7692-7702

Exit dynamics of a sphere launched underneath a liquid bath surface
Xiaofeng Wei, Dege Li, Jing Lei, Jinglu Li, Javier Rivero-Rodríguez, Fangye Lin, Dongyun Wang & Benoit Scheid
Physical Review Fluids 9, 054003

  • 2023

Continuous nucleation process of Lactose and Adipic Acid: parameter optimization from laboratory to kilogram pilot-scale operations
Rimez B., Debuysschère R. & Scheid B.
Organic Process Research & Development 28, 112–123

Thermal antibubbles: when thermalization of encapsulated Leidenfrost drops matters
Miguet J., Scheid B., Maquet L., Darbois-Texier B., & Dorbolo S.
Physical Review Letters 131, 184001

Experimental and theoretical validation of two-step shear-induced nucleation mechanism for small molecules
Debuysschère R., Rimez B., Zaccone A. & Scheid B.
Crystal Growth & Design 23, 4979

Coalescence of surface bubbles: The crucial role of motion-induced dynamic adsorption layer
Zawala J., Miguet J., Rastogi P., Atasi O., Borkowski M., Scheid B. & Fuller G.G.
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 317, 102916

On the diodicity enhancement of multistage Tesla valves
Wang P, Hu P., Liu L., Xu Z., Wang W. & Scheid B.
Physics of Fluids 35, 013609

Experimental study of dripping thin films on inclined fibers
Karimi A.P., Rietz M., Rohlfs W., Scheid B. & Kneer R.
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 232, 443

Shear-enhanced sorting of ovoid and filamentous bacterial cells using Pinch Flow Fractionation
de Timary G., Rousseau C., Van Melderen L. & Scheid B.
Lab-on-a-Chip 23, 659

Beads, bubbles and drops in microchannels: stability of centered position and equilibrium velocity
Cappello J., Rivero-Rodriguez J., Vitry Y., Dewandre A., Sobac B. & Scheid B.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 956, A21

Evolution of waves in liquid films on moving substrates
Ivanova T., Pino F., Scheid B. & Mendez M.
Physics of Fluids 35, 013609

Enhanced Pinch Flow Fractionation using inertial streamline crossing
de Timary G., Cappello J. & Scheid B.
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 27, 6

Bioinspired shape shifting of liquid-infused ribbed sheets
Cappello J., Scheid B., Brau F. & Siefert E.
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2216001120

  • 2022

Linear stability analysis of nonisothermal glass fiber drawing
Philippi J., Bechert M., Chouffart Q., Waucquez C. & Scheid B.
Physical Review Fluids 7, 043901

  • 2021

Spanwise structuring and rivulet formation in suspended falling liquid films
Rietz, M., Scheid B., Kneer R. & Rohlfs W.
Physical Review Fluids 6, 084805

Effect of insoluble surfactants on a thermocapillary flow
Piñan Basualdo F. N., Terrazas M. R., Scheid B., Bolopion A., Gauthier M. & Lambert P.
Physics of Fluids 33, 072106

Dip-coating flow in the presence of two immiscible liquids
Champougny L., Scheid B., Korobkin A. & Rodriguez-Rodriguez J.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 922, A26

Statics and dynamics of a viscous ligament drawn out of a pure-liquid bath
Xiaofeng W., Rivero-Rodriguez J., Zou J. & Scheid B.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 922, A14

An alternative choice of the boundary condition for the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method
Rivero-Rodriguez J., Perez-Saborid M. & Scheid B
Journal of Computational Physics 443, 110494

Concentration Gradients in Material Sciences: Methods to Design and Biomedical Applications
Hua D., Xiong R., Braeckmans K., Scheid B., Huang C., Sauvage F. & De Smedt S.C.
Advanced Functional Materials 31, 2009005

Dynamics of the jet wiping process via integral models
Mendez M.A., Gosset A., Scheid B., M. Balabane & Buchlin J.-M.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 911, A47

Hydrodynamic-driven morphogenesis of karst draperies: spatio-temporal analysis of the two-dimensional impulse response
Ledda P.G., Balestra G., Lerisson G., Scheid B., Wyart M. & Gallaire F.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 910, A53
Corrigendum: Journal of Fluid Mechanics 926, E3

Two-dimensional modelling of transient capillary driven damped micro-oscillations and self-alignment of objects in microassembly
Chafaï A., Vitry Y., Dehaeck S., Gallaire F., Scheid B., Colinet P. & Lambert P.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 910, A6

Influence of the inlet velocity profile on the flow stability in a symmetric channel expansion
Debuysschère R., Siconolfi L., Rimez B., Gallaire F. & Scheid B.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 909, A13

On the effect of electrostatic surface forces on dielectric falling films
Rohlfs W., Cammiade L. M. F., Rietz M.  & Scheid B.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 906, A18

  • 2020

Microfluidic droplet generation based on non-embedded co-flow-focusing using 3D printed nozzle
Dewandre A., Rivero-Rodriguez J., Vitry Y., Sobac B. & Scheid B.
Scientific Reports 10, 21616

Lifetime of surface bubbles in surfactant solutions
Atasi O., Legendre D., Haut B., Zenit R. & Scheid B.
Langmuir 36, 7749-7764

Bubbles determine the amount of alcohol in Mezcal
Rage G., Atasi O., Wilhelmus M.M., Hernandez-Sanchez J.F., Haut B., Scheid B., Legendre D. & Zenit R.
Scientific Reports 10, 11014

On the Effect of Flow Restrictions on the Nucleation Behavior of Molecules in Tubular Flow Nucleators
Rimez B., Debuysschère R. & Scheid B.
Journal of Flow Chemistry 10, 241-249

A practical method to characterize PEMFC catalyst layer topography: application to two coating techniques and two carbon supports
Deschamps F., May J.G., Léonard A., Lambert S.D., Dewandre A., Scheid B. & Job N.
Thin Solid Films 695, 137751

Natural break-up and satellite formation regimes of surfactant-laden liquid threads
Martinez-Calvo A., Rivero-Rodriguez J., Scheid B. & Sevilla A
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 883, A35

  • 2019

Delayed bubble entrapment during the drop impact on a bounded liquid bath
Xiaofeng W., Wang W., Lin F., Scheid B. & Zou J.
AIP Advances 9, 105108

The creation and testing of a fully continuous tubular crystallization device suited for incorporation into flow chemistry setups
Rimez B., Septavaux J., Debuysschère R. & Scheid B.
Journal of Flow Chemistry 9, 237-249

Controlling the lifetime of antibubbles
Vitry Y., Dorbolo S., Vermant J. & Scheid B.
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 270, 73 (+ supplemental material)

Mass transfer around flowing bubbles in cylindrical microchannels
Rivero-Rodriguez J. & Scheid B.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 869, 110-142

The coupling of in-flow reaction with continuous flow seedless tubular crystallization
Rimez B., Septavaux J. & Scheid B.
Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 4, 516-522

  • 2018

Continuous-Flow Tubular Crystallization to Discriminate between Two Competing Crystal Polymorphs. Part II: antisolvent crystallization
Rimez B., Conté J.,  Norrant E., Cognet P., Gourdon C. & Scheid B.
Crystal Growth & Design 18, 6440–6447

Continuous-Flow Tubular Crystallization to Discriminate between Two Competing Crystal Polymorphs. Part I: cooling crystallization
Rimez B., Debuysschère R., Conté J.,  Norrant E., Cognet P., Gourdon C. & Scheid B.
Crystal Growth & Design 18, 6431–6439

Experimental investigations of liquid falling films flowing under an inclined planar substrate
Charogiannis A., Denner F., van Wachem B.G.M., Kalliadasis S., Scheid B. & Markides C.N.
Physical Review Fluids 3, 114002 (Editors’ Suggestions)

How to measure the thickness of a lubrication film in a pancake bubble with a single bright-field image?
Atasi O., Haut B., Dehaeck S., Dewandre A., Legendre D. & Scheid B.
Applied Physics Letters 113, 173701 (Editor’s pick)

Influence of Soluble Surfactants and Deformation on the Dynamics of Centered Bubbles in Cylindrical Microchannels
Atasi O., Haut B., Pedrono A., Scheid B. & Legendre D.
Langmuir 34, 10048-10062

WaveMaker: The three-dimensional wave simulation tool for falling liquid films
Rohlfs W., Rietz E. & Scheid B.
SoftwareX 7, 211-216   (code available online)

Adaptive Stitching for Meso-Scale Printing with Two-Photon Lithography
Dehaeck S., Scheid B. & Lambert P.
Additive Manufacturing 21, 589-597

Prediction of two-dimensional dripping onset of a liquid film under an inclined plane
Kofman N., Rohlfs W., Gallaire F., Scheid B. & Ruyer-Quil C.
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 104, 286-293

Bubble dynamics in microchannels: inertial and capillary migration forces
Rivero-Rodriguez J. & Scheid B.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 842, 215-247
Corrigendum: Journal of Fluid Mechanics 855, 1242-1245

Dewetting of thin liquid films surrounding air bubbles in microchannels
khodaparast S., Atasi O., Debris A., Scheid B. & Stone H.A.
Langmuir 34, 1363-1370

Three-dimensional Rayleigh-Taylor instability under a unidirectional curved substrate
Balestra G., Kofman N., Brun P.-T., Scheid B. & Gallaire F.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 837, 19-47

  • 2017

Combined influence of inertia, gravity and surface tension on the linear stability of Newtonian fiber spinning
Bechert M. & Scheid B.
Physical Review Fluids 2, 113905

Dynamics of falling films on the outside of a vertical rotating cylinder: waves, rivulets and dripping transitions
Rietz M., Scheid B., Gallaire F., Kofman N., Kneer R. & Rohlfs W.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 832, 189-211

Effect of buoyancy on the motion of a long bubble in a horizontal tube
Atasi O., Khodaparast S., Scheid B. & Stone H.A.
Physical Review Fluids 2, 094304

Two-dimensional modelling of an absorbing falling film in its development zone
Wylock C. & Scheid B.
AIChE Journal  63, 4370

Continuous separation, with microfluidics, of the components of a ternary mixture: from vacuum to purge gas pervaporation
Ziemecka I., Haut B. & Scheid B.
Microfluidics & Nanofluidics 21, 84

Hydrodynamics waves in films flowing under an inclined plane
Rohlfs W., Pischke P. & Scheid B.
Physical Review Fluids 2, 044003

The break-up of free films pulled out of a pure liquid bath
Champougny L., Rio E., Restagno F. & Scheid B.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 811, 499-524

Low Kapitza Falling Liquid Films
Mendez M.A., Scheid B. & J.-M. Buchlin
Chemical Engineering Science 170, 122

  • 2016

A major secretory defect of tumour-infiltrating T lymphocytes due to galectin impairing LFA-1-mediated synapse completion
Petit A.-E., Demotte N., Scheid B., Wildmann C., Bigirimana R., Gordon-Alonso M., Carrasco J., Valitutti S., Godelaine D. & van der Bruggen P.
Nature Communications 7, 12242

Soft Encapsulation of Flexible Electrical Stimulation Implant: Challenges and Innovations
Debelle A., Hermans L., Bosquet M., Dehaeck S., Lonys L., Scheid B., Nonclercq A., & Vanhoestenberghe A.
European Journal of Translational Myology 26 (4), 6298

Critical inclination for Absolute/Convective instability transition in inverted falling films
Scheid B., Kofman N. & Rohlfs W.
Physics of Fluids 28, 044107

On the stabilizing effects of neck-in, gravity, and inertia in Newtonian film casting
Bechert M., Schubert D.W. & Scheid B.
Physics of Fluids 28, 024109

  • 2015

Bubbly flow and gas-liquid mass transfer in square and circular microchannels for stress-free and rigid interfaces: Dissolution model
Mikaelian D., Haut B. & Scheid B.
Microfluidics & Nanofluidics  19, 899-911

Bubbly flow and gas-liquid mass transfer in square and circular microchannels for stress-free and rigid interfaces: CFD analysis
Mikaelian D., Haut B. & Scheid B.
Microfluidics & Nanofluidics 19, 523–545

Surfactant-induced rigidity of interfaces: a unified approach to free and dip-coated films
Champougny L., Scheid B., Restagno F., Vermant J. & Rio E.
Soft Matter 11, 2758 (2015)

Practical mapping of the draw resonance instability in film casting of Newtonian fluids
Bechert M., Schubert D.W. & Scheid B.
European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids 52, 68-75 (2015)

Experimental investigation of thermal structures in regular three-dimensional falling films
Rietz M., Rohlfs W., Kneer R. & Scheid B.
European Physical Journal Special Topics 224, 355-368 (2015)

Phase diagram for the onset of circulating waves and flow reversal in inclined falling films
Rohlfs W. & Scheid B.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 736, 322-351 (2015)

Hydrogen peroxide concentration by pervaporation of a ternary liquid solution in microfluidics
Ziemecka I., Haut B. & Scheid B.
Lab on a chip 15, 504-511 (2015)

  • 2014

Gas dissolution in antibubble dynamics
Scheid B., Zawala J. & Dorbolo S.
Soft Matter 10, 7096-7102 (2014)

Three-dimensional flow structures in laminar falling liquid films
Dietze G., Rohlfs W., Närich K., Kneer R. & Scheid B.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 743, 75-123 (2014)

  • 2013

Rivulet Structures in Falling Liquid Films
Scheid B.,
Without bounds: a scientific canvas of nonlinearity and complex dynamics
Editors: R. G. Rubio, Yu. S. Ryazantsev, V. M. Starov, G. X. Huang, A. P. Chetverikov, P. Arena, A. A. Nepomnyashchy, A. Ferrús and E. G. Morozov

  • 2012

Antibubble Dynamics: The Drainage of an Air Film with Viscous Interfaces
Scheid B., Dorbolo S., Arriaga L.R. & Rio E.
Physical Review Letters 109, 264502 (2012)

Plate Coating: Influence of Concentrated Surfactants on the Film Thickness
Delacotte J., Montel L., Restagno F., Scheid B., Dollet B., Stone H.A., Langevin D. & Rio E.
Langmuir 28, 3821 (2012)

Thermocapillary-assisted pulling of contact-free liquid films
Scheid B., van Nierop E. & Stone H. A.
Physics of Fluids 24, 032107 (2012)

Onset of thermal ripples at the interface of an evaporating liquid under a flow of inert gas
Scheid B., Margerit J., Iorio C.S., Joannes L., Heraud M., Queeckers P., Dauby P.C. & Colinet P.
Experiments in Fluids 52, 1107-1119 (2012)

  • 2010

Experimental study of dispersion and miscible viscous fingering of initially circular samples in Hele-Shaw cells
Maes R., Rousseaux G., Scheid B., Mishra M., Colinet P. & De Wit A.
Physics of Fluids 22, 123104 (2010)

Thermocapillary-assisted pulling of thin films: Application to molten metals
Scheid B., van Nierop E. & Stone H. A.
Applied Physics Letters 97, 171906 (2010)

Newtonian pizza: Spinning a viscous sheet
Howell P., Scheid B. & Stone H.A.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 659, 1-23 (2010)

The role of surface rheology in liquid film formation
Scheid B., Delacotte J., Dollet B., Rio E., Restagno F., van Nierop E. A., Cantat I., Langevin D. & Stone H. A.
Europhysics Letters 90, 24002 (2010)

  • 2009

On the (de)stabilization of draw resonance due to cooling
Scheid B., Quiligotti S., Tran B., Gy R. & Stone H.A.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 636, 155-176 (2009) 

Lateral shaping and stability of a stretching viscous sheet
Scheid B., Quiligotti S., Tran B. & Stone H.A.
European Physical Journal B 68, 487-494 (2009)

  • 2008

On the thickness of soap films: An alternative to Frankel’s law
van Nierop E., Scheid B. & Stone H.A.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 602, 119-127 (2008)  Corrigendum: Journal of Fluid Mechanics 630, 443-444 (2009)

Spontaneous channeling of solitary pulses in heated-film flows
Scheid B., Kalliadasis S., Ruyer-Quil C. & Colinet P.
Europhysics Letters 84, 64002 (2008)

Interaction of three-dimensional hydrodynamic and thermocapillary instabilities in film flows
Scheid B., Kalliadasis S., Ruyer-Quil C. & Colinet P.
Physical Review E 78, 066311 (2008)

  • 2007

Coupling between stationary Marangoni and Cowley-Rosensweig instabilities in a deformable ferrofluid layer
Hennenberg M., Weyssow B., Slavtchev S. & Scheid B.
Fluid Dynamics and Material Processing 3 (4), 295-302 (2007)

Heated falling films
Trevelyan P., Scheid B., Kalliadasis S. & Ruyer-Quil C.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 592, 295-334 (2007)

Some advances in lubrication-type theories
Colinet P., Kaya H., Rossomme S. & Scheid B.
European Physical Journal Special Topics 146, 377-389 (2007)

  • 2006

Steady flows of a laterally heated ferrofluid layer: Influence of inclined strong magnetic field and gravity level
Hennenberg M., Weyssow B., Slavtchev S., Desaive Th. & Scheid B.
Physics of Fluids 18, 093602 (2006)

Wave patterns in film flows: Modelling and three-dimensional waves
Scheid B., Ruyer-Quil C. & Manneville P.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 562, 183-222 (2006)

Gravity Level Influence on a Laterally Heated Ferrofluid Submitted to an Oblique Strong Magnetic Field
Hennenberg M., Weyssow B., Slavtchev S., Aleksandrov V. & Scheid B.
Zeitschrift fuer physikalische Chemie 220, 199-208 (2006)

  • 2005

Thermocapillary long waves in a liquid film flow. Part 2. linear stability and nonlinear waves
Scheid B., Ruyer-Quil C., Kalliadasis S., Velarde M.G. & Zeytounian R.Kh.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 538, 223-244 (2005)

Thermocapillary long waves in a liquid film flow. Part 1. Low-dimensional formulation
Ruyer-Quil C., Scheid B., Kalliadasis S., Velarde M.G. & Zeytounian R.Kh.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 538, 199-222 (2005)

Validity domain of the Benney equation including Marangoni effect for closed and open flows
Scheid B., Ruyer-Quil C., Thiele U., Kabov O., Legros J.C. & Colinet P.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 527, 303-335 (2005)

  • 2004

Microgravity investigations of instability and mixing flux in frontal displacement of fluids
Smirnov N.N., Nikitin V.F., Ivashnyov O.E., Maximenko A., Thiercelin M. Vedernikov A., Scheid B. & Legros J.C.
Microgravity Science and Technology 15(2), 35-51 (2004)

  • 2003

On the instability of a falling film due to localized heating
Skotheim J.M., Thiele U. & Scheid B.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 475, 1-19 (2003)

  • 2002

Heat transfer and rivulet structures formation in a falling thin liquid film locally heated
Kabov O.A., Scheid B., Sharina I.A. & Legros J.C.
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 41, 664-672 (2002)

Nonlinear evolution of non-uniformly heated falling liquid films
Scheid B., Oron A., Colinet P., Thiele U. & Legros J.C.
Physics of Fluids 14, 4130-4151 (2002). Erratum: Phys. Fluids 15, 583 (2003)

Effect of nonuniform wall heating on the three-dimensional secondary instability of falling films
Miladinova S., Staykova D. Lebon G. & Scheid B.
Acta Mechanica 156, 79-91 (2002)

  • 2001

Deformation of the free surface in a moving locally-heated thin liquid layer
Kabov O.A., Scheid B., Marchuk I.V. & Legros J.C.
Fluid Dynamics 36(3), 521-528 (2001)

Measurements of phoretic velocities in microgravity conditions of parabolic flights
Prodi F., Dubois F., Vedernikov A.A, santachiara G., Cornetti C., Scheid B. & Legros J.C.
Journal of Aerosol Science 32, S941-942 (2001)

Viscous fingering in miscible liquids under Microgravity conditions
Vedernikov A., Scheid B., Istasse E. & Legros J.C.
Physics of Fluids 13(9), S12 (2001)

Conference Proceedings

Experimental investigation of the gas-liquid interface and flow field dynamics near the contact line in an immersing flat surface
Rigutto D., Lecomte Y., Buchlin J.-M., Scheid B. & Alfonso Mendez M.
21st International Symposium on Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics • LISBON | PORTUGAL • JULY 8-11, 2024

Zero overlap stitching of microlens arrays with two-photon polymerisation
Dehaeck, S., Scheid, B. and Lambert, P.,
Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, Strasbourg, 106750B (2018)

Soft encapsulation of flexible electrical stimulation implant: challenges and innovations
Debelle A., Hermans L., Bosquet M., Dehaeck S., Lonys L., Scheid B., Nonclercq A., & Vanhoestenberghe A.
IFESS 2016, La Grande Motte, France.

Development of a continuous “self-seeding” microfluidic crystallization device for active pharmaceutical ingredients
Rimez B., Haut B. & Scheid B.
BIWIC 2014 conference, Rouen (France). URL

Antibubble dynamics: slipping or viscous interfaces?
Scheid B. & Dorbolo S.
20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon, France (2011). URL

Thermal ripples at the interface of an evaporating liquid. Results of the ITEL-2/MASER-10 sounding rocket experiment
Scheid B., Iorio C.S., Queeckers P. & Colinet C. – Margerit J. & Dauby P.C. – Joannes L. & Heraud M.
International Topical Team Workshop on Two-Phase Systems for Ground and Space Applications, Brussels, Belgium (2006). URL

Stationary thermocapillary instability in a thin ferrofluid layer submitted to a weak magnetic field
Hennenberg M., Slavtchev S., Weyssow B. & Scheid B.
11th Workshop on Transport Phenomena in Two-phase flow, Sofia, Bulgaria (2006). URL

Inertia Effects in Falling Liquid Films
Scheid B.
International workshop on wave dynamics and stability of thin film flow systems, Madras, India (2006). URL

Falling liquid films: wave patterns and thermocapillary effects
Scheid B.
International Conference on Application of Fluid Mechanics in Industry and Environment, Calcutta, India (2006). URL

Hydrodynamic stability of a thin volatile liquid film
Rossomme S., Scheid B. & Colinet P.
National Congress on 7th Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Mons, Belgium (2006). URL

Wave patterns in thin film flows
Scheid B., Ruyer-Quil C. & Manneville P.
National Congress on 7th Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Mons, Belgium (2006). URL

Caractérisation expérimentale des instabilités induites par évaporation de solvant dans une solution polymère
Doumenc F., Iorio C., Toussaint G., Scheid B., Guerrier B. & Allain C.
Comptes-Rendus de la 9ème Rencontre du Non-Linéaire, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
Non-Linéaire Publications, Ed.: M. Lefranc, C. Letellier and L. Pastur, 75-80 (2006).

ITEL experiment module and its flight on MASER-10
O. Janson, M. Broxvall, K. Löth, P. Anderson and Y. Houltz (Swedish Space Corporation)
P. Colinet and B. Scheid (Microgravity Research Center)
L. Joannes, B. Saul, B. Haesendonck, M. Heraud and O. Dupont (Lambda-X)
17th ESA Symposium on European Rocket & Balloon Programmes and Related Research, 30 may – 2 june, Sandefjord, Norway (2005). URL

Instability in viscous fluids displacement from cracks and porous samples
Smirnov N.N., Nikitin V.F., Ivashnyov O.E., Legros J.C., Vedernikov A., Scheid B. & Istasse E.
Microgravity Sciences and Processes Symposium, IAF (Int. Astronautical Fed.), Houston, U.S.A (2002). URL

Free surface deformation in a locally heated falling thin film with the temperature dependent viscosity
Kabov O.A., Scheid B., Kuznetsov V.V., Kabova I.O. & Legros J.C.
12th International Heat Transfer Conference, Ed.: Jean Taine, Grenoble, France, 675-680 (2002).

Thermocapillary convection in a falling thin liquid film locally heated
Kabov O.A., Scheid B., Sharina I.A. & Legros J.C.
5th World Conf. Exp. Heat Transfer, Fluid Mech. And Thermodynamics, Thessaloniki, Greece
Ed.: G.P. Celata, P. Di Marco, A. Goulas and A. Mariani, Vol. 3, pp2007-2012 (2001).

Measurement of free surface deformation by reflectance-Schlieren method
Scheid B., Kabov O.A., Minetti C., Colinet P. & Legros J. C.
3rd European Thermal-Science Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, Vol. 2, pp 651-657 (2000).

Books or contributions in a book

Rivulet Structures in Falling Liquid Films
B. Scheid,
Without bounds: a scientific canvas of nonlinearity and complex dynamics
Editors: R. G. Rubio, Yu. S. Ryazantsev, V. M. Starov, G. X. Huang, A. P. Chetverikov, P. Arena, A. A. Nepomnyashchy, A. Ferrús and E. G. Morozov
Springer-Verlag (2013).

Falling Liquid Films
Kalliadasis S., Ruyer-Quil C., Scheid B. & Velarde M.G.,
Applied Mathematical Sciences Vol. 176, Springer Verlag (2012)

Wave Dynamics and Stability of Thin Film Flow Systems
Chapter on Inertia effects in falling liquid films, B. Scheid (pp 170-222)
Editors: R. Usha, A. Sharma and B.S. Dandapat
Narosa Publishing House, Chennai, India (2006)

A Gallery of Fluid Motion
Article on “Viscous fingering in miscible liquids under Microgravity conditions”,
Vedernikov A., Scheid B., Istasse E. & Legros J.C.
Editors: M. (Mohammad) Samimy, L. Gary Leal, K.S. Breuer, P.H. Steen
Cambridge Univeristy Press, page 71 (2003)

Pedagogical support on sound and echos for the novel « Mémoires d’un chasseur d’échos, T. Haumont »
Scheid B.
Editions labor, Bruxelles, (1997) (2000 pressed book).

PhD Thesis

Evolution and stability of falling liquid films with thermocapillary effects
Scheid B.
Université Libre de Bruxelles, March 2004.


Method to encapsulate an aqueous solution comprising a compound of interest in a matrix
Vitry Y., Septavaux J., Dewandre A. @ Scheid B.
PCT/EP2021/076177 (2021)

Method for improving nucleation of crystals from solution
Scheid B., Rimez B. & Norrant E.
PCT/EP2019/061347 (2019)

Droplet and/or bubble generator
Scheid B., Dewandre A. & Vitry Y.
PCT/EP2018/067960 (2018)

Anti-bubble generator
Scheid B., Vitry Y. & Dorbolo S.
EP 3 202 491 A1 (2017)

Method for producing films
Stone H.A., van Nierop E.A. & Scheid B.
PCT/US11/39865 (2011)